10 NOVEMBER 2011
10 NOVEMBER 2011
10 NOVEMBER 2011

If you were at our 2nd Anniversary, you would have been under the spell of these guys behind the visual controls. Midnight Shift takes a break from the music to find out a little of what goes on at the other side in the minds of co-pilots and VJs, Cymbal and Avneesh.
How did you start getting into the motion visual arts?
Avneesh: I've been involved the night scene for quite a while both musically and graphically. A few years ago, I was asked to create some visuals for to be projected into a client's nightclub. From there I've explored further into moving visuals.
Cymbal: I was from print background and during internship program in US is where I picked up motion graphics and joined several post houses for about 5 years.
Who are some of the video artists you respect right now?
Avneesh: Pfadfinderei, 1024 Architecture, AntiVJ and Singapore local, Brandon Tay.
Cymbal: I respect video artists like Nam June Paik, Marcel Duchamp and Bill Viola.
Can you give us some videos of inspiration?
Moderat - Rusty Nails (video by Pfadfinderei)
AntiVJ Visual Label
AntiVJ is a visual label from AntiVJ / Joanie on Vimeo.
Light Line by Seeper
The LightLine of Gotham from seeper on Vimeo.
Ryoji Ikeda's Test Pattern
Kate Moross & Alex Sushon for Simian Mobile Disco
Merce Cunningham's Scramble
What is a common misconception among the people of your craft?
Avneesh: They think we are lightjockeys and mostly they don't understand the whole idea of synching the video to the music.
How do you go about preparing for a visual set?
Avneesh: I always check on the site/venue/setup first before proceeding to the visual content as I believe that the content should fit the given material/space.
What do you think about when you are working the room?
Avneesh: I focus on the music and ambience of the night. I try to tell a story throughout the night with the visuals.
Cymbal: I enjoy observing people's faces and see how they react to the music and visuals.
Dream show or set up?
Avneesh: I would either love be able to do visuals for outdoor festivals/large scale events or having the possibility to do a mapping installation, on a large scale once again.
Cymbal: I’ve been doing graphics to cater to public and the club so I would be interested to do a video "art" exhibition, something like Nam June Paik's global groove.
Most intensive production thus far?
Avneesh: Heineken Green Room Session for Gaslamp Killer + Tayo
Cymbal: Zoukout Festival 2010 for Cashmoney
Favourite music?
Avneesh: Hard to say a favourite music but it will be as eclectic as it gets, please visit the podcast for your reference: :)
Cymbal: I listen to all kinds from synth pop – indierock, minimal/ hard tech.
Currently I’m listening a lot to:
Aerea Negrot – It's Lover, Love
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
Fritz & Lang – Crash EP
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
M83 – Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
Apparat – The Devil's Walk
Die Vögel – Fratzengulasch
What is your life motto?
Avneesh: Carpe Diem.
Cymbal: Do not turn hobbies into jobs.
Go back to the Midnight Shift homepage here.

If you were at our 2nd Anniversary, you would have been under the spell of these guys behind the visual controls. Midnight Shift takes a break from the music to find out a little of what goes on at the other side in the minds of co-pilots and VJs, Cymbal and Avneesh.
How did you start getting into the motion visual arts?
Avneesh: I've been involved the night scene for quite a while both musically and graphically. A few years ago, I was asked to create some visuals for to be projected into a client's nightclub. From there I've explored further into moving visuals.
Cymbal: I was from print background and during internship program in US is where I picked up motion graphics and joined several post houses for about 5 years.
Who are some of the video artists you respect right now?
Avneesh: Pfadfinderei, 1024 Architecture, AntiVJ and Singapore local, Brandon Tay.
Cymbal: I respect video artists like Nam June Paik, Marcel Duchamp and Bill Viola.
Can you give us some videos of inspiration?
Moderat - Rusty Nails (video by Pfadfinderei)
AntiVJ Visual Label
AntiVJ is a visual label from AntiVJ / Joanie on Vimeo.
Light Line by Seeper
The LightLine of Gotham from seeper on Vimeo.
Ryoji Ikeda's Test Pattern
Kate Moross & Alex Sushon for Simian Mobile Disco
Merce Cunningham's Scramble
What is a common misconception among the people of your craft?
Avneesh: They think we are lightjockeys and mostly they don't understand the whole idea of synching the video to the music.
How do you go about preparing for a visual set?
Avneesh: I always check on the site/venue/setup first before proceeding to the visual content as I believe that the content should fit the given material/space.
What do you think about when you are working the room?
Avneesh: I focus on the music and ambience of the night. I try to tell a story throughout the night with the visuals.
Cymbal: I enjoy observing people's faces and see how they react to the music and visuals.
Dream show or set up?
Avneesh: I would either love be able to do visuals for outdoor festivals/large scale events or having the possibility to do a mapping installation, on a large scale once again.
Cymbal: I’ve been doing graphics to cater to public and the club so I would be interested to do a video "art" exhibition, something like Nam June Paik's global groove.
Most intensive production thus far?
Avneesh: Heineken Green Room Session for Gaslamp Killer + Tayo
Cymbal: Zoukout Festival 2010 for Cashmoney
Favourite music?
Avneesh: Hard to say a favourite music but it will be as eclectic as it gets, please visit the podcast for your reference: :)
Cymbal: I listen to all kinds from synth pop – indierock, minimal/ hard tech.
Currently I’m listening a lot to:
Aerea Negrot – It's Lover, Love
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
Fritz & Lang – Crash EP
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
M83 – Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
Apparat – The Devil's Walk
Die Vögel – Fratzengulasch
What is your life motto?
Avneesh: Carpe Diem.
Cymbal: Do not turn hobbies into jobs.
Go back to the Midnight Shift homepage here.

If you were at our 2nd Anniversary, you would have been under the spell of these guys behind the visual controls. Midnight Shift takes a break from the music to find out a little of what goes on at the other side in the minds of co-pilots and VJs, Cymbal and Avneesh.
How did you start getting into the motion visual arts?
Avneesh: I've been involved the night scene for quite a while both musically and graphically. A few years ago, I was asked to create some visuals for to be projected into a client's nightclub. From there I've explored further into moving visuals.
Cymbal: I was from print background and during internship program in US is where I picked up motion graphics and joined several post houses for about 5 years.
Who are some of the video artists you respect right now?
Avneesh: Pfadfinderei, 1024 Architecture, AntiVJ and Singapore local, Brandon Tay.
Cymbal: I respect video artists like Nam June Paik, Marcel Duchamp and Bill Viola.
Can you give us some videos of inspiration?
Moderat - Rusty Nails (video by Pfadfinderei)
AntiVJ Visual Label
AntiVJ is a visual label from AntiVJ / Joanie on Vimeo.
Light Line by Seeper
The LightLine of Gotham from seeper on Vimeo.
Ryoji Ikeda's Test Pattern
Kate Moross & Alex Sushon for Simian Mobile Disco
Merce Cunningham's Scramble
What is a common misconception among the people of your craft?
Avneesh: They think we are lightjockeys and mostly they don't understand the whole idea of synching the video to the music.
How do you go about preparing for a visual set?
Avneesh: I always check on the site/venue/setup first before proceeding to the visual content as I believe that the content should fit the given material/space.
What do you think about when you are working the room?
Avneesh: I focus on the music and ambience of the night. I try to tell a story throughout the night with the visuals.
Cymbal: I enjoy observing people's faces and see how they react to the music and visuals.
Dream show or set up?
Avneesh: I would either love be able to do visuals for outdoor festivals/large scale events or having the possibility to do a mapping installation, on a large scale once again.
Cymbal: I’ve been doing graphics to cater to public and the club so I would be interested to do a video "art" exhibition, something like Nam June Paik's global groove.
Most intensive production thus far?
Avneesh: Heineken Green Room Session for Gaslamp Killer + Tayo
Cymbal: Zoukout Festival 2010 for Cashmoney
Favourite music?
Avneesh: Hard to say a favourite music but it will be as eclectic as it gets, please visit the podcast for your reference: :)
Cymbal: I listen to all kinds from synth pop – indierock, minimal/ hard tech.
Currently I’m listening a lot to:
Aerea Negrot – It's Lover, Love
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
Fritz & Lang – Crash EP
Juno Download (Mp3/WAV) | Amazon (256kbps Mp3) | iTunes (256kbps AAC)
M83 – Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming
Apparat – The Devil's Walk
Die Vögel – Fratzengulasch
What is your life motto?
Avneesh: Carpe Diem.
Cymbal: Do not turn hobbies into jobs.
Go back to the Midnight Shift homepage here.